Sunday, July 13, 2008

France Telecom, Orange Lab GPLed Pronunciation Lexicon Specification (PLS)


On 12-july-2008, Paul Bagshaw [France Telecom Orange Labs] has announced on Voice Browser Working Group, Public mailing list, "To assist in the wider use of this W3C recommendation, France Telecom Orange Labs has released an implementation of PLS 1.0 under the Gnu General Public License version 3. "

Here is the link to E-mail.

The implementation is in perl.

If you want to try it out, here is the link to download page.

My Personal thought : I have started the OpenPLS however very much frankly, i was not able to contribute much to OpenPLS (which is hosted at due to time crunch !

Its really good to have this implementation as opensourced. I would love to see PLS as standard. Kudo's to folks at France Telcom Orange Labs.

-Raxit Sheth